The necklace

The goal of showing you these pictures is the necklace I'm wearing. I love it, and you?
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El objetivo de enseñaros estas fotos es el collar que llevo. Me encanta, ¿y a tí?

Hey, yesterday I slept in Celia's (picture above) house and this morning we went to the school to collect our report card.
I have a 9/10 media, not bad! Are you studing? Did you get good grades?
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Hola, ayer dormi en casa de Celia (foto) y esta mañana hemos ido al colegio a por las notas. 
Tengo un nueve sobre diez de media, no está mal! Estás estudiando? Has sacado buenas notas?

7 comentarios :

  1. Felicidades por tus notas,q maravilla¡ Nosotros ya hemos acabado la carrera por lo que ya no estudiamos, no te envidiamos mucho eee jejeje

    Estais todos preciosos, adoro ese collar y ese top de flores, magnificas¡


  2. Hey love! You were referred to me from Glam & Fab Chameleon. So glad I came across your site. I love it. You seem to be a really fun girl and your pics/posts show that you seem to have lots of fun adventures. Would love to see you on Style~ Spotlighted at http://wtfash.blogspot.com.
    Stay FABulous,

  3. By the way. . . I absolutely adore the necklace ;)

  4. Love is a small word, I adore it!!!! Fab necklace!:)

  5. no está mal dice, está genial un 9!! jajaja
    adoro ese collar (L)


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Sincerity and respect above all. Believe it or not, your comments are essentials to improve this each day. Thanks for your visit my frienddd