School starts tomorrow! Oh no!

Ok, it's done, the happy, hot and long summer has done and I start my rutine again tomorrow. This year it's being more difficult to accept it, but there's no way.
So, today I woke up at 12 and I spent the afternoon at the beach with Jaime. Now I'm choosing what will I wear tomorrow for my first day in Bachillerato! :S And that's why I don't have anything to pust, only that drawing I made of Jaime.. Not bad for my first drawing! haha
Ah! I didn't tell you that I'm working as ballet teacher! Good night!
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Vale, ya está, el feliz, caliente y largo verano ha terminado y empiezo mi rutina mañana otra vez. Este año está siendo más difícil aceptarlo, pero es lo que hay.
Bueno, hoy me he levantado a las 12 y he pasado la tarde en la playa con Jaime. Ahora estoy escogiendo lo que me voy a poner mañana para mi primer día de Bachillerato! :S Y es por eso que no tengo ninguna foto que publicar, solo este dibujo que hice de Jaime.. No está mal para ser el primero jaja!
Ah! No os he contado que estoy dando clases de ballet! Buenas noches!

Follow me on twitter: @RaisaHrmd

1 comentario :

  1. that drawing is amazing, you've really got talent!!! would love to see more of your drawings if you make any :)


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