Zipper dress

As I told you in the last post, I went to a party (a surprise b-day party) on Friday's night. To create this outfit, I get inspired my look in my black nails (I hardly ever wear them black!) and my H&M boots, so it was easy to do the rest. I combined it with this awesome zipper dress, some bracelets and a silver ring, and a pink lipstick to put some color. At my hair I opted for a bow. What do you think of this look? I find it pretty cool!
Click to see all the pics :)
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Como os dije en la entrada anterior, fui a una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños el viernes por la noche. Para crear este look me inspiré en mis uñas negras (casi nunca las llevo de ese color!) y mis botines de H&M, así que fue muy fácil hacer el resto. Lo combiné con este impresionante vestido de cremallera, algunas pulseras, un anillo de plata y un lápiz labial fucsia para darle color. En el pelo opté por un moño. ¿Qué os parece este look? A mí me gusta! Haz click para ver todas las fotos! :)

5 comentarios :

  1. Sexy party dress! You look gorgeous!


  2. thanks for your comment ;)
    you look beautiful and this dress is amazing!


  3. You looks pretty, this dress is gorgeous!

  4. great outfit and the dress looks amazing on you - you've got such a good figure!!!! :)

  5. gorgeous dress! I have similar in pink colour ;)


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