Let's shake it out tonight

Hello everybody, I had fun today at school! (that's weird, I know) haha and I'm working this afternoon so I take this little space of time in my agenda (haha) to show you my outfit of the last friday night, when I went party with my friends Inma, Marta and Ali. If you click "See more" you'll can see some pictures of the party :) I wish you all a happy and funny weekend! xox
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Hola a todos, me lo he pasado bien hoy en el colegio! (es raro, lo sé) jaja y esta tarde estaré trabajando así que saco este pequeño rato de mi apretada agenda (jaja) para enseñaros mi conjunto del pasado viernes por la noche, cuando salí por la noche con mis amigas Marta, Inma y Ali. Si le dáis a "Ver más" veréis algunas fotos de la fiesta :)
Os deseo un feliz y divertido fin de semana! xox


6 comentarios :

  1. have fun when you are young and student,after school and be older,life becomes much complex and you have less fun:P

  2. Ah the party looks fun! Glad you had a good time, and your outfit is lovely! :D


  3. That's an awesome dress. It looks amazing on you. Gorgeous color and that chunky necklace really adds a special touch. Have a great weekend.

  4. You look stunning! Looks like so much fun! Have a great weekend yourself! (:
    p.s- It would mean a lot to me if you could stop by my blog when you get the chance!

    The Style Moodboard


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