Outfit: Total Black

Here are the pictures of friday night: I wore the black dress (one of my Christmas presents), polka dots tights and Lita shoes by Jeffrey Campbell. We started the night at Carmen's house and then we went to two pubs and danced (and sang) a lot. I still have a strange voice! Yesterday I had dinner with Jaime and some of his friends and we played Monopoly, that was funny :) See you later! Bye!!

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Aquí están las fotos de la noche del viernes: me puse el vestido negro que me dieron en Navidad, medias de topitos y las Lita Shoes de Jeffrey Campbell. Empezamos la noche en casa de Carmen y luego fuimos a dos pubs donde bailamos (y cantamos) un montón, todavía sigo con la voz rarísima! Anoche fui a cenar a casa de uno de sus amigos y jugamos al Monopoly, nos lo pasamos bien :) Hasta luego! Adiós!


13 comentarios :

  1. Hey, How it going? I just looked at your blog and it is amazing I may say. I am following your blog, so I hope you can take a few minutes and check out mine; in addition, to maybe following. With that said, thanks for your time and have a nice day.

    God Bless,

    Steven B.

  2. your dress is amazing and i dont have to tell you that because you know - your shoes are fab! :)

  3. wauw you're a really beautiful girl ! like your style ! :D

  4. Olá Raisa! Adorei o blog! Estou seguindo :)
    de uma olhadinha no meu e siga se gostar.



  5. Que guapaaa!
    Un look genial, estas perfectaa, besitossss!

  6. Love the look, the boots are cute too x


  7. Love this look <3 great pics and amazing boots!!!

    xx K&M


  8. Hey you, great blog! Thanks for your comment on fashiolista.
    I'm following your blog now. Check mine out, and follow back, if you like.
    xoxo Simone Angela

  9. Really nice pic ! Great outfit ! So feminine !

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  10. Muito lindo o look!!

    Estou seguindo aqui!! bjs :**



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